Saturday 6 August 2011

You have to start back somehere

So, decision was made. Leave the office, go to town, and reg for the 8pm at the Plymouth G Casino. Carefully thinking that I didn't want to know if it was re-buy or not as that would colour my decision.

I sat on the bus contemplating a twitter post by @daleroxxu saying that a vote for him in the The British Poker Awards would lead to eternal run good. As I had voted for my own company, Poker in the Pub and @daleroxxu that very afternoon, I should have realised that karma was indeed a real bitch.

So Mr G Casino, what is the point of a £10 freezeout? Do most Friday regulars normally go to Gala Bingo, next door? And why do 54 players think that 40% juice is good value?

Having not played most of level 1 apart from couple of limps on the button and SB, I got involved in my "real" hand at the and of the level. Two players limp from mid position, and I stick in a standard 3x from the button with A10o I got a call form the BB (calling station), another from the 15 year old looking kid, and a fold from the old guy who was now getting 4/1 against a button raise.

So the K 10 4 rainbow flop did worry me a bit, but then the BB checks and the 15 year old 1/2 pot donk bets me, I quickly make the call while thinking how to take it away from his obvious top pair. Obviously the BB calling station really should have left the party, but like an annoying drunk uncle with a cab waiting outside he won't go home.

The 10 on the turn really removed all plans of who to get the kid off the pot, as now I wanted his lunch money. Again he led out for the same bet, 300 into a pot of 1500. While I considered KK, even my real 15 year old son would have raised pre-flop, and probably re-raised my button with that hand, so I know he has a single king and probably no much of a kicker, happy days!

I raised him up to 1300, just to show I wasn't messing about, obviously that taxi driver had not rung the bell, as uncle station called, and then so did the kid. The river was a KING, which fell with what sounded like a resounding thud on the table, the kid leads for 2k without pausing for breath, I stretch back in the seat, swear and muck (while trying to think when I last folded a boat), and uncle station instacalled, and turned over Q10, the kid showed K6 to scoop the pot, and I burst out laughing.

Like a kindly, but confused uncle, the BB asks what is funny. With a pained look I explained, "I folded better than you, as the kid may as well have had a post it note one his head with a big fat King printed on it", he flashed an embarassed look, the kid smiled.

He does not realise that he was about 5% on the turn, and I hope we meet again. It didn't happen last night, the table was broken, I found cards in bad spots, and no cards in good spots. I doubled with JJ v 99, then found A10s on the button, shoved and the SB found AQo, so gg wp.

During the coming week, our companies efforts at running the GSOP live event in Manchester will prove that advertising works as I will be debuting on Red Kings on the Ongame network.

I am sure that nobody has even noticed................yet

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